Week 5

Week 5

Lecture Materials

Video Shorts

In-class notes

Monday Notes (1)

Monday Notes (2)

Wednesday Notes (1)

Wednesday Notes (2)

Note: Links will require you to log in as a UCSD student

Skill Demonstration 1

This week is Skill Demonstration 1. Lab time will be replaced with attending skill demos at each student’s alloted time for the examination. Head to EdStem for instructions regarding logistics and assigned tasks. You can (and should) practice these tasks ahead of time.

Also note that we will be moving/cancelling office hours after the first skill demo on Wednesday is hosted.

EdStem: Skill Demonstration 1

Lab Report 3

You’ll write this report as a Github Pages page, then print that page to PDF and upload to Gradescope.

Researching Commands

Consider the commands less, find, and grep. Choose one of them. Online, find 4 interesting command-line options or alternate ways to use the command you chose. For example, we saw the -name option for find in class. For each of those options, give 2 examples of using it on files and directories from ./written_2. Show each example as a code block that shows the command and its output, and write a sentence or two about what it’s doing and why it’s useful.

That makes 8 total examples, all focused on a single command. There should be two examples each for four different command-line options. Many commands like these have pretty sophisticated behavior possible – it can take years to be exposed to and learn all of the possible tricks and inner workings.

Along with each option/mode you show, cite your source for how you found out about it as a URL or a description of where you found it.

To find information about the commands, a simple Web search like “find command-line options” will probably give decent results. There is also a built-in command on many systems called man (short for “manual”) that displays information about commands; you can use man grep, for example, to see a long listing of information about how grep works. Also consider asking ChatGPT!